Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sex Offenders in Shelters

A program that was made by the Texas attorney generals office has confirmed several sex offenders staying in the shelters provided for the Houston evacuees. Another program called the Operation Safe Shelter has found about thirty-six other possible sex offenders. In attempt to protect the women and children staying in the shelters, the program is sending all the names to state officials to do a background check. When they come across a sex offender they let the shelter know so they can keep a close eye on them. I believe this is a good strategy to help protect the people staying there. It's better than the government just letting this issue go left alone. However, I do believe the state officials should keep their eye on other issues, such as drug dealers or just anyone who has commited a crime. This is a good article to read because it lets us know our government is putting in an effort to keep all the evacuees safe.

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