Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Austins Road Construction

I’m commenting on Mike Luong’s blog about Austin’s road construction.

I agree with him 100%. It seems like today there are more and more roads being worked on and they are taking forever to complete. He made a good point about this being an inconvenience to the residents of this city. There have been numerous times that I had to drive out of my way to get somewhere because a road was closed for construction. I understand that the end result will benefit us, but they should speed up their work and not take on so many projects at one time. I live right behind the toll road by the Heatherwilde exit, which takes me to my neighborhood, and this exit was supposed to be finished by March 2008 and they just completed it last month. That’s what I call ridiculous. I also agree with Mike when he says that the city needs to be more considerate of its citizens. I’m not personally affected by the noise of construction going on around my neighborhood but I know a lot of people out there are. If I was one those people I would be pretty annoyed that I had to wake up to construction noise every morning. I know Austin is trying to fix our roads and make them better for us to drive on, but I believe they need a new method of doing this. They should only take on so many projects at one time before starting a new one. Overall, Mike did a really good job of getting his point across and expressing how he felt about this situation. He also provided excellent examples to back up his opinion.

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